Thursday, August 22, 2013

What a wonderful bunch of children this year!  It has really been fun getting to know each of your children.
This week we learned more about the letter A.  We said the Pledge of Allegiance and the children said it great!  They are learning quickly.  We went over our rules in preschool and the children really tried hard to listen and to be polite as other children spoke.  We had show-n-tell on Wednesday&Thursday, as we do every week.  Most of the children remembered to bring something and the children that didn't - it's ok because it is called show-n- TELL! Just help your children understand that it is up to them to remember to bring something to show - not up to the parent.  I sometimes have children say to me, My mom didn't remember - and I always let them know it is "your show-n-tell - not your mothers".  They smile.
My 4-5 year old classes learned their first 4 sight words.  You will see them next week in your manila envelopes.  Please keep them all during the entire school year so during next summer you can work on them during the summer.  Have a great weekend everyone!


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