Monday, October 29, 2018

It's been such a spooky month in preschool this month of october🎃 We've had a lot of fun.  Can'twait until tomorrow playing Halloween games, making witches brew and modeling our
costumes and pinning the nose on the pumpkin are just a few things planned for our Halloween party.

* Please remember if your child is in the Tuesday-Thursday class bring 12 wrapped treats
If your child is in the 4-5 yr old class on Wednesday please bring 13 wrapped treats and finally if your child is in the 3-4 year old class please bring 10 wrapped treats for each child in the class.

Classes have been going well.  Please help your child with his/her sight word memorization, and I hope you are making sure they repeat to you before going to bed they're phonics.

I still have a few children that are struggling in writing they're name.  Please make sure that your child writes his/her name first letter capital and the rest lower case.  We have been learning the days of the week and also opposites and a little regarding rhythming words.  We will be starting the letter "f" next week, after we have our class Halloween party tomorrow and Wednesday.

Have a happy Halloween everyone🎃