Thursday, November 19, 2015

There will be no preschool next week because of the thanksgiving holiday. (Nov.23, 24 and 26th)

Another week has gone by quickly.  We finished making our "h" train on wed. And Thursday.  We made Indian headbands and talked about how kind the Indians were to help the pilgrims when they reached Plymouth  rock.  We made pumpkin pies and worked really hard on our shapes.  The 4/5yr old classes practiced our sight words while the 3/4 yr old classes worked on their letters and sounds
The classes are coming along fine.  If your child is still struggling with writing his/her name, please continue helping at home and encouraging them to keep trying.  I am hopeful by Christmas everyone will be able to write their name.

Have a wonderful week and have a happy thanksgiving everyone.  See you nov 30 and dec 1rst!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hi everyone.

What we are learning this month-
3-4yr old classes:
   Review our letters and their sounds
    Colors and introduced fushia
    Counting to 12
    Painted wooden turkeys -paper turkeys-pumpkin pie
    Reviewed shapes

The children are settling down and starting to listen better. They recite the pledge of allegiance each time they come. We play several movement games each day and try to read at the end of each class.
if your child isn't writing his/her name please give some extra help at home.  Thank you
4-5yr old classes:
   Letters up to g, phonics, sight words
    Numbers to 20
    2new shapes-parallelogram and quatrefoil
    Fushia and basic colors
    Craft once a week
    Six different games
    Same-different meanings

I've been working hard at helping the children raise their hands, listen to instructions...some are having a difficult time but most are really trying to do their best.  This month we are learning that not everyone gets to win.  That was a hard concept for a few of the children at first but now they seem to understand.  If you have any questions please always feel free to call.

Each time your child brings home a letter train ask what letter it is and the sound.  If you do that each night before they go to bed and have them read a sight book they will progress -  thank you for entrusting me with your sweet children