Tuesday, January 21, 2020

It was so good teaching again this week. With the school closures and sicknesses it has really been a tough January.  Today my Tuesday class was fantastic.  We practiced our phonics, identified letters, shapes, sight words with two new words(come-here), numbers up to 20, words that rhyme, months of the year.  Some still need help writing their name, but overall it was wonderful.

I will do the same for the Wednesday 4-5 yr olds class tomorrow and I can’t wait to review with them all the learning they have accomplished.

My 3-4 yr olds are slowly learning how to trace, count to 10, a few can write their names too. They have 4 different shapes memorized and are really trying hard to say the months of the year. They love their phonics and learning all the songs that go with each letter.  They’re right where they should be.

I’m accepting new applications for fall 2020. My Tuesday-Thursday class has two openings left.  Please if your interested fill out your child’s preschool application.  I put one in each of my 3-4yr olds February calendar envelope in case your interested.

I love your children and can’t thank you enough for the privilege of teaching and having lasting friendships with them. Thank you so very much.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

There will be preschool Jan 20th.  We missed all last week so we are having preschool tomorrow with regular schedules even tho school is out for the district.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Today is wed Jan 15th. Madison school district cancelled schools today in the area because of wind and snow drifting.  So preschool is cancelled too. Hopefully, tomorrow we will be able to have school again. I will text you in the morning for my Thursday class if school is cancelled. If you don’t hear from me then it means there will be school. Here’s hoping👍