Friday, October 23, 2020

 Update:  my husband is doing much better. He is still in the icu but his  oxygen levels are almost where they should be.  They are not going to do anything to his heart now.  He’s happy about that.  While all this has been going on I contracted COVID and I’m under quarantine until the end of the month.  Preschool will start back up on November 2nd and 3rd.  Again, thank you for your patience.  I know we are missing our Halloween dress up party and would like to have it when the children come back November 2 And 3rd.  Please bring your wrapped treats and/or surprises, have your child dressed up in his/her Halloween costume and let’s have a back to school Halloween party!  Thank you very much🧙🏻‍♀️

Saturday, October 17, 2020

 There will be no preschool next week.(Oct19-22) My husband had a procedure on his heart Last week and it went fine until the day after.  He couldn’t breath on his Own or his oxygen machine... he is at eirmc in Idaho Falls in the icu With  heart failure.  He is on 90% use of the oxygen machine and holding on.  I will keep you updated as he improves and as of this moment he’s improving.  Thanku for your incredible patience.  

Friday, October 9, 2020

 There will be preschool on Monday October 12 and preschool on Tuesday October 13.  However, We just found out yesterday that my husband is going in on Wednesday October 14 to have A heart procedure done called an (Oblation). It will last anywhere from 3 to five hours depending what happens. His heart has been in afib and they’ve tried to fix it twice, but it just doesn’t want to work right.  He is in heart failure but Wouldn’t know it. Thank goodness for medication because his medication is keeping him alive for now.  They will keep him overnight and depending on how it goes he should be home Friday.  I will be taking him to Idaho falls (eirmc) on Wednesday and I need to be with him. I will not be teaching preschool oct 14 and 15 and will be teaching again the following week after.  If u have any questions please feel free to call or ask me on Monday and Tuesday.  Everything is going to be ok.  Please if you think about it say a little prayer for him. Thank you for your patience.