Saturday, November 30, 2013

Our Christmas program will be on Wednesday, December 18th at 11:00 am.  It will last approx. 45 minutes and will be held in the East Stake Center (East of my house) Please bring your child 10 minutes early into the primary room so we can get them ready.  Please put your hidden present you purchased for your child in the gym by Santa's chair.  Make sure the white index card I gave you earlier in your manila envelope is taped securely on top of the present so Santa can read the same handwriting on all the children's gifts.  Church dress. You may invite any family member you wish to come. If you have any younger children coming and would like them to receive a gift from Santa too just tie the gifts together with their added name on the card below your preschoolers name. Each child has made a Christmas gift for their parent(s).  Just look on the back to find your child's name on it.

We have completed already letters J, K and L.  This month we will be practicing for our Christmas program and completing our letter M.  We will review our days of the week, letters, sounds, worksheets, and doing craft projects. We will also have one more reading book to hand out to each 4-5 child.

*Donations for Santa will greatly be appreciated! A BIG thank you to those who already have.  I have a small bowl on my desk if you would like to help.  I hope you enjoy the Christmas Program Dec 18th. and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Preschool will start back up January 6th and 7th

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

3-4 year old Class:  we finished talking about letter"I" with the Pilgrims coming across the ocean on the Mayflower and landing at Plymonth Rock (and I apologize for the mispelling of the rock) and meeting for the first time the Indians.  This is why we celebrate "Thanksgiving".  The Indians basically saved their lives as they were starving when they landed.  We reviewed our colors, numbers, alphabet, sounds, and shapes. They are moving along very well.  They seem to still be struggling writing their names so please if you get a chance at home please work with them.  It instills confidence and knowing they can accomplish great things.  Today, we painted turkeys so they can enjoy them the whole month of November!  We played marbles, finger puppets, and threaded yarn through different shapes and shapes of animals as well.  A few of the children are still learning how to share and be kind. Through examples and other children I know each child will learn how to have more patience and kindness towards each other.

4-5 year old Class:  As well as the above these kids also worked hard on their sight words.  We played the match game and it was a lot of fun - girls against the boys.  It was interesting when 1 team won and the other lost.  I really want to instill in these children that in order to be a good winner you have to first learn how to be a good looser.  Not everyone wins - even tho we all have tried to teach our children we are all winners what is happening in the world due to recent articles and books I have read it is not good to have your children believe he/she is a winner all the time.  When life gets tough - and it will (sadly to say) children have to learn to pick up the pieces and move forward no matter if they win or loose. What the trend in the world now is that when they grow up into teenagers they just quit if the work is too hard...  "I can't do this anymore", its too hard, etc. because they never learned while they were young the great principle that there can be only 1 winner.  Have I said enough - I think so, so moving on.... each child received another sight word book and a new word.  Because we painted today our Turkeys we did not read through the books and I am very interested to see how each child did going home and reading to you.  I believe so much in each of these children.  They are wonderful little people who have great potential and as a teacher it is the greatest experience for me to watch them grow and see who they become ...having just a small piece in their lives...hoping to of made a positive difference in their thinking and belief system. Wow, teaching is the greatest gift to share with others..until next time have a great week!