After college I worked at Primary Children's Hospital in SLC, Utah for 3 years in the children's psychiatric Dept. Later I worked at Provo Canyon Boys School in Provo, Utah for nearly 4 years. During this time I met and married the love of my life Murray Doggett. A year later we moved to SLC again and I worked at Zions National Bank in the Appraisal Dept. downtown. Because of my husbands schooling we moved to Idaho Falls, Id and there I worked for the City Clerk and Mayor of Idaho Falls. We have also lived in Ogden, Ut and St. Anthony, Id. We currently live in Rexburg and have three daughters and twin sons.
*Jenni graduated from BYU-I, worked in HR in SLC. Ut. where she met then married her sweetheart Matt Siple May 12, 2012 and they're waiting to adopt.
*Rachel graduated from BYU-I, and currently works at Madison Surgery Center.
*Alyssa graduated from BYU-I then continued on to graduate school receiving a Masters in voice at Eastman in Rochester NY. She taught 1 year at BYU-I, then moved to Boston to start her Opera career and married Eli Hopkin June of 2013.
*Ben served an honorable LDS mission to Campinas Brazil. Upon returning married Olivia Carter Oct 14, 2014 and now have two children, Quinnie and Grey. Ben is currently the manager of Jensen's Jewelry Store here in Rexburg and going to BYU-I.
Matt also served an honorable LDS mission to Sao Paulo Brazil. He is attending BYU-I and working full time at the Department of Juvenile Corrections in St. Anthony as a technician helping troubled boys.
My husband works for the State of Idaho at the Department of Juvenile Corrections. He is an administrator and Psychologist and does family/drug rehabilitation during the week. He also serves on campus as a high councilman in the YSA 8th Stake.
I have been teaching Preschool for 22 years. I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday that I just started. I currently serve on campus as the stake music director. I also serve in the Temple helping prepare the children to be sealed to their families. I have served as ward Primary President, Stake young women's Presidency, Ward YW and Teacher YW. I love cooking, crafts, writing music, pinterest, softball, and being a mom. I teach Preschool because I love children. They have the sweetest little spirits.
My philosophy is that children need to feel loved and respected. They need real hands on experience to help them practice what they have learned. Then they can use these skills in their world not just in preschool, but in all their years of schooling to come - I love these little sponges and I want them to be as excited about learning as I am! These children are truly "Seeds of Greatness."
Call now if you are interested in having your child attend Building Blocks Preschool.
My address is: 361 East 4th South
Rexburg, Id 83440
Home Phone# 208-356-7322
Cell# 403-2715 (leave a message)
Hear from you soon!!!!