In all of the classes we learned about the letter Aa and the sound it makes. We then learned about freezing to a dance - when the music stops playing we all freeze. (They enjoyed this game together and wow, do we have some great hip hop dancers). The freeze dance is a great way to begin to teach each child about listening closely. We then colored some A pictures and learned the "A" song. Just ask your child to sing it to you (about an apple tree from Zoo Phonics).
We reviewed colors, shapes and counting to #10. In the 4-5 year class one young man counted to 40 and the childrens eyes were hugh! I told the children that they will be able to do that soon too!
The children brought home a flag as we started to memorize the pledge of allegiance. Again, they were all trying very hard -some already knew it but some did not. It is always fun to watch how they each help one another learn.
*Each class has 12 students in it so when it is your childs' turn to bring a snack please remember to bring enough for 12 children.

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