Friday, April 26, 2013

just 2 letters left to do this year and graduation will be just around the corner...
Letter "Y" - what an interesting letter.  The hardest two words we learned were Yacht and Yak.  The kids giggled and giggled trying to remember those words after seeing the pictures of a Yoyo, a Yam and even Yogurt!  But when they encountered the pictures of Yacht and Yak lets just say they struggled a little bit, but with giggles. We also learned several new shapes - (parallel and pentagon).

This week my son Matthew who is serving a mission in Brazil sent us a picture of him in Campanario, Brazil. He was being transferred to a new area.  Enclosed with the picture was a letter that he wrote to his father and I. He told us that he had a lot of humble growing experiences in this area that changed his life.  He said the people there were extremely poor and living conditions were like nothing my son had ever seen or experienced. He said to "watch for every little blessing you can and be thankful for that moment - that blessing".

I did have that moment this week in my little 3-4 year old class.  A child who was showing his show-n-tell was sitting in my big chair as all the children were standing around him checking out the incredible toy he had.  I noticed one of the little girls just stayed in her chair smiling and was somewhere else in her moment of I watched her smiling and realizing what a tuff personal life she was experiencing I couldn't help but call her by her name. She came over to me and I asked her if I could hug her.  She smiled and said yes!  I hugged her and told her how much I love teaching her and what a wonderful person she is.  She hugged me back with her big beautiful brown eyes still smiling and in that moment I just pray she will always know she is a child of God and that He loves her too.... I love these little ones so much.  They are so precious. I am truly grateful for every little blessing that I have and I love being around the Savior every day I teach....


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