Friday, April 23, 2021

 The last day of school will be the 19th for my Monday-Wednesday classes and May 20th for my Tuesday-Thursday class.  We will not have a graduation program because there are several children whose families are getting over covid still.  We will the last day of school need your help.  There will be a cake walk game and for that I need each mom to bring a regular size store bought or homemade cake to preschool.  Please explain to your child that he/she will be bringing home a different cake and not the one he/she brought.  If you make a homemade cake please put it on a dish or something that you don’t want back.  Thank you for a great year.  It’s been wonderful ❤️Have a happy summer and remember to go over your child’s alphabet, phonics, and sight words. Repetition is a great teacher and will help them remember what they learned during preschool.  And always read, read, read.


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