Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What a wonderful month. The children are ALL doing great!  We learned about the letters A and B and they know their sounds and what the letter looks like.  They are counting to 10, have learned two songs that go along with the letters we learned, reviewed their shapes, are the best game players ever, are kind to each other, listen and share.  Couldn’t ask for a better first month of preschool

Please start hanging up their alphabet train and when you put them to bed help them identify the letter and sound before reading them a story.  In case you were wondering the honey they received is fresh and from a honeybee farm I found in Idaho falls.  I hope you all enjoy it🐝

NO school next week and on October 7 preschool will be from 9 until 11 for everyone.  Please no backpacks and when you come to pic up your child please come inside the preschool.  This is for safety reasons.  The tautphaus park zoo will be bringing some of their animals to visit all the children together that day.

Our October Halloween party will be dress up and bring 9 treats per each child. (I love Halloween) check on your calendar what the date is.(October 30 and 31rst) Lots of surprises for your little ones!


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