Thursday, December 6, 2018

Openings are available for next fall (2019-20) if you are interested.

December has started off with 5 giant birthday cakes and lots of learning. Each class has painted their wooden snowmen and will be bringing them home next week.  This week we traced each child's hand and made the cutest reindeer you've ever seen.  I gave each class directions and then let them do what they wanted. They each had a lot of fun making them.  We will be making gingerbread cookies, decorate a Christmas tree, paint stars and make snowflakes.  On December 21, Santa will be making a visit upstairs with a surprise and some sugar cookies to eat and enjoy from 11:00 am until 12:00 noon.  (Please come through the gate to my front door -instead of the preschool room) This will be the last day of school until the new year Jan 7, and 8, 2019.

The 4-5 yr. old classes are coming along well with their sight words. Today they read the book I gave them extremely well.  They are understanding their phonics and counting to 100.  Shapes are too easy for them and as they come back in January I will challenge their memorizing skills and teach them new shapes they've never heard🤓.

The 3-4 yr. old class are also doing very well. They love learning, playing games with each other and are learning a lot of social skills, which at this age is what they are developing.  We are working on letters, sharing and writing their names.  Their phonic songs they enjoy singing and they love ve their shapes.

I look forward everyday in seeing these children with smiles on their faces and how they love to learn.  Thank you for this wonderful privilege and have a very Merry Christmas 🎄


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