For all my classes this week we learned many words that start with b. You can check their work assignments in their backpacks. The pledge of allegiance is coming along better for each class. We sang and learned a song called"bluebird". We played bingo and the match game, finding matching b pictures. They love this game. It teaches them even more b words. We played games with the parachute and they laughed very hard.
Sharing is a struggle for a few of the children, but that is part of preschool - learning how to be kind and saying sorry. I apologize if I come across stern, but when a child hurts another I address it and I don't sugar coat it. I want each child that comes to feel save and loved when they are at preschool. Loved by their peers and loved by me.
The children made their "B" clouds and I sure hope you are helping your child hang them up and say their letters and sounds every night before going to bed.
No school during Spud harvest is October 3,4,5,6 & 7. if you can pay me on or before before the 1rst - that will be great! You all have the Manila payment envelopes. Please return them each month to put your payment in.
The children should be writing their names by now so if you need a practice sheet, please let me know. The spud harvest break is a good time to work on this.
This coming week we will be working on the letter"C". They will be doing cat clouds on Wednesday and Thursday. Make sure you remember that show and tell is every Wednesday and Thursday, depending when your child comes to preschool.