The Letter "E" was a pretty hard letter to learn to write last week. The children wanted to put more lines then the 3 going across. This is very typical and so I just helped each child. The children loved our elephant game/song. I hope they sang it to you jumping up and down. Our new sight word was handed out. You will receive your packets this week and inside will be practice sheets with your childs name on it. PLEASE have your child practice writing his/her name while we have the school districts spud harvest break. I will be teaching Sept. 30 and October 1, then we will have no school until October 9th. I was going to try and teach through the school districts break, but there are a lot of you that have made plans to be out of town.
We have a lot of fun surprises coming the month of October. This week is the Letter "F"; Wednesday and Thursday this week (Sept. 25th & 26th) I have invited a Fireman to come all dressed up to surprise the children and show them what a fireman will look like with his oxygen mask on. I wanted each child to experience what it would be like if there was a real fire. Then I have a 15+ video that Madison Fire Department has to show the children about fire safety. It teaches the children in case of a fire to have a safe place to meet outside. Please try and practice this sometime in your home with his/her brothers and sisters so everyone will be safe.
October 14 & 15th are Wear your favorite HAT day! Please don't forget!
October 16 the Tautphaus Park Zoo Animals are going to come and visit. They can only come once and so I will have my Tuesday/Thursday classes come on Wednesday with no school being taught on October 17th.
Please check your calenders/notes in your manila envelope that I put in your child's backpack. All the information will be enclosed. There will be no show-n-tell that day.
Halloween party will be October 30 & 31rst depending on what day your child attends preschool. It is a dress-up party but please have your child wear something that he/she can play games in and won't get too hot playing in. Also, a costume that they will be able to use the restroom, if needed.
Each child please bring 12 treats for each child. We will decorate our bags so you do not need to bring anything to hold their trick or treat candy they get at our party.
Each class of children that I am teaching are learning the days of the week, shapes, colors, numbers. My 4-5 year olds are really doing great learning their sight words. They are doing so good. I am so proud of each of them. Thank you parents for working so diligently and helping them have a positive experience reading at home. Each week as we learn a new letter please help your child find words at home in the kitchen, family room, etc. words that start with that particular letter they are learning about in preschool. Today I asked each class, as I will in tomorrows classes to go home and find something in their house that starts with the Letter "F". I would like to do this each week as they learn a new letter. This will only enhance their perceptions and help them understand better what the phonic means of each letter and help them open their eyes to the world around them. Have a great week!