Friday, January 11, 2013

The New Year has begun and we are heading in the right direction!  The letter  "Nn" was our focus this week along with the "Months of the Year".  So far for our first week back most of the children can repeat the first four months of the year.  We will continue to work on the months of the year until all the children have learned them.  We talked about words that begin with the letter N and we also made our birdnests with "Nn" word pictures to help remind the children what the sound of N is. I told a story about Mr. Noisy!  Ask your child if he/she can tell you the story.  They had to act it out - it was alot of fun watching them.

There are still a few children who are struggling with writing their names.  If your child is in the 4-5 class please continue to help him/her at home. We are now working on writing their last names in class.  If your child is in the 3-4 class we will continue working on it in the classroom setting too.  Sometimes the younger aged children's fingers strength haven't formed yet but it will come as they continue to practice.

I will be putting Fall applications for preschool in your February pymt. envelopes if you are interested in having your child come next Fall.  People in the community and out of state are coming by and calling now for applications for next Fall.  Please get yours in as soon as you can so you can have a good pick as to which time and class you would like your child to be in.  Oh my goodness... its my Anniversary today!!!!


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