Hi everyone. Preschool is about to start and I’m so excited. I was getting ready to retire but how can you retire when you love these kids so much. So here I am ready for another school year. The open house was changed to September 1 because of family needs. Preschool starts on September 13th. Class 1 (4-5 year old class) will begin at 8:30 until 10:30. Class 2 (3-4 year old class) begins at 10:45-12:45. $100 Payment will be due on September 13th or before any time. You may pay however much you want. I keep track in my books as I am sure you do too. I would like you to bring your child to preschool and leave as soon as you can. Sometimes it’s hard for the younger aged children to separate from their parent but in the 25 years I’ve taught the quicker removal of the bandage is always better in the long run. If you ever have any questions please leave a message on my cell phone or text me 208-403-2715. Looking forward to a great year❤️