What a wonderful week it was. I’m getting to know new kids as well as loving the kids that were here last year.
4-5 yr old classes: both classes sang their alphabet song, counted to 50 as a group, named six different shapes,(Circle, square, oval, star, triangle, quatrafoil) made their first train with a,a,alligator, learned four sight words (a, I, see, can). They have their first reading book now. What I would love you to do is help your child slowly sing the alphabet song, put on their wall the train (as we will each wed and thurs have a new letter for you to put up), put the sight word cards on your fridge and as they walk by they can memorize each new word. Each night before going to bed please have your child read the sight word book and then go over the train sounds. If you have any questions please please just ask me. I am so proud of each one of your children. They are positive and want to learn...right where I want them. Thank you for having such wonderful kids and for the privilege of teaching each one of them.
No classes between October 5 thru the 9th.
3-4 yr old class: counted to twenty, learning the pledge of allegiance, Love playing with the parachute and the freeze game. We went over singing the alphabet, learned “the apple tree” song and a lot of “a” words with playing spin the bottle, played concentrated with pictures that start with “a”. The children are learning to share and trying to listen. I’m trying to teach them to raise their hands because every voice is important to hear. They love me to read to them at the end of class and they particularly loved the “what color is your underwear” book and “Leo the monster” who has the hiccups. All in all I think they had a great week. I can’t wait for next week. It’s going to be great!