Saturday, March 23, 2019

Graduation for the 4-5 yr old classes will be on May 17th. Please check below for the time, place, etc.

Monday, march 25th:  4/5 yr old class will begin at 8:30-10:30 because of funeral
        "          "      "        3/4 yr old class will begin at 1:30-3:30

Thursday March 28th  spring break no school for Madison school district
Monday April 1rst : spring break no school for Madison school district

Easter party will be on the 10th and 11th - regular school hours

Just a heads up for May:

I know parents are trying to plan vacations/trips and so I wanted to give you a heads up on when the last day of school and graduations will be: (more info. Will come as we get closer to the dates)

Last day of school for 3-4 yr olds will be May 15. We will have a cake walk so be prepared to make a special cake for someone in your child's class. Please put it on a plate or something else that you don't want back.  We do not have a graduation because they come back the following year.

Monday/Wednesday class 1  8:45-10:45 4-5 yr old class graduation will be in my back yard.  Time 11:00am. Please bring your lawn chairs and /or blankets and have your child dress in Sunday best.

Tuesday/Thursday class 3  9:45-11:45 4-5 yr old class graduation will be in my back yard time: 12:00am. Please bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets  and have your child dress in Sunday best.

Please let me know if your child will not be able to make it for graduation ASAP.

Monday, March 11, 2019

For the month of March here goes with regular class schedules:

 March 13 & 14 we will celebrate St. Pattys day at preschool
March 18 & 19  our "t" (Apple juice) party.  Have your child dress up in princess/super hero clothes or Sunday best clothes.  After eating and learning manners we will do some dancing together.

April 2: (Monday) no school. It is Madison school district spring break

If anyone is interested in signing their child up for preschool next fall (2019-20) please just fill out the registration form with your registration fee to: Valerie Doggett 361 east 4th south. Thanku. Please be sure to circle the class you would like your child to be in.