NO SCHOOL All next week and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING and safe travels🦃!!!!
Our pumpkin pies turned out and I hope you were able to have a tiny piece of pie👀 .
4-5 yr old classes: most know how to write their names or at least have a good idea how it begins. Know their letters to "g" and sound and an alphabet song for each of the letters they have learned. Can say the pledge of allegiance, know the days of the week, count to twenty, share, are kind to each other, being polite and waiting their turn to speak are just a few things we have learned in class. They love circle games, frog games, acting out the songs we learn, and of course, the parachute and games we play with it. They are learning what structure is and are becoming great listeners with patience. I am so proud of each student and its so wonderful to have the opportunity to be teaching each one of them. Thanku so much❤️.
3-4 yr old classes: are really starting to listen and pay attention. The pledge of allegiance is coming along so much better, as is the days of the week and counting to ten. Sharing and taking turns with the structure in the class has really improved. I'm soo proud of these little ones. They love story time and playing spin the bottle with new words we learn from the letters we have that particular week. Bingo and floor games they enjoy too. They have their phonics down to the letter "g". We are still working on their name writing and I know it's just a matter of time before they get it.❤️
*****Thank you for bringing such wonderful snacks on your assigned snack day and hey, if you forget don't worry just bring your child's snack the next time you come.
*****I've been trying to find a Santa, but have had no results. My Santa that I had for twenty years passed away two years ago and he was the best because he loved children! If anyone knows of a great Santa please let me know. I would really love to surprise your little ones