There will be no school the first week of october because of spud harvest. The tautphaus park zoo mobile will be here on October 18th. If you have any questions please let me know. We will play games and make homemade rootbeer at our Halloween party October 30th/31rst, ( the normal time/ day your child comes to preschool. Then each child that day will bring a treat to put in each other's Halloween bags. Please make sure the candy/party favors you bring are wrapped. The 3-4 yr old class has 12 children. The 4-5 year old classes have 10 children
The 4-5 year old classes have 4 sight words learned. We have been counting to twenty. The teens are still a struggle, but surely we will get them learned. I encourage you to continue help your child read their books that I give them and keep these books so next summer you can practice reading them. Please make sure you put their sight word cards on your fridge or someplace your child can review them.
We just completed the letter "c".After spud harvest we will go over the things we have been learning pledge of allegiance, writing names, counting, shapes, colors, sounds and recognizing letters. We will wait until the next week to start letter"d".
3-4 year old class are learning the words "I can" vocally. I am trying to build their confidences and having positive words like " I will try" "thank you" and "please". They are practicing tracing, learning their colors, making friends, enjoying each other and sharing, counting, learning their shapes and starting to trust me. We are still learning the pledge of alligience and hopefully by the end of October they will be able to recite it for you.
Thank you so much for your support and encouraging words to your child and to me.