Thursday, December 28, 2017

Christmas was wonderful and the new year will be here before you know it.  Preschool will start back up jan 3rd and 4th.  Please don't worry about your payment being late this month.  Just pay when your child comes.  Looking forward to the new year.

Registration is open for the fall 2018.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Registration is open for fall 2018...can you believe it.  The months go by so fast. Just fill out the application and either bring it by or mail it to me.  The schedule and times are on the registration form for you to fill out.

December is flying by quickly.  Santa will be making a surprise visit soon and I'm pretty sure he will play a few games with the children and hand out some wrapped presents and of course a candy cane. (I've never seen so many children love candy canes like these kids do).

All three classes just completed letter "J" this past week.  We made candy canes (which looks like the letter j.  We painted snowmen, made gingerbread man cookies and yes one of them jumped and ran out of the oven.  Quick as a wink the students were running through my house trying to find the little gingerbread cookie.  And when they did he was eaten fast in the moment with children excited and screaming for joy that they found him.

The children are learning how to share better.  They are being kind to each other and noticing each other. They are becoming friends.  It's wonderful to watch. It shows me they are becoming confident and like structure.  Our work load consists of practicing counting to 100, did alittle addition in the 4-5 year old classes, went over and over identifying our alphabet letters and sounds.  Our shapes are coming along great.  Today's class only forgot one shape out of 12 and that was quatrefoil.  Not bad for 4-5 year olds.

We will do letter "K" next week and then the week after we will only have preschool on Monday and Tuesday.  Classes will start back up January 2 and 3rd.  Happy holidays🎄

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

We finished our letter "H" this week and are trying in class to write our names still and recognize our letters. We learned two new shapes and made turkeys and hats. We talked about the pilgrims and how they went on the mayflower to Plymouth Rock.  The journey was long and the people were starving when they landed.  The Indians helped them with food, planting and having a great feast a year later that is now called "thanksgiving".

Happy thanksgiving to you and if you are traveling please be safe.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Another great week of learning.  Our letter was (f).  The children were taught about fire safety.  If you are on fire...stop, drop and roll.  If your home is filled with smoke, drop and crawl out to a planned place for each family member.  What is your plan?  At my home we taught our children to get outside to the mailbox and wait for us.  Do you go back inside a burning house?  No! And please have safety alarms in your house.  It is always better to be prepared if it ever happens.

This coming week we are moving on to the letter (g).  We will be painting our turkeys and celebrating two birthdays coming up.  We will have another great week of learning shapes, opposites, numbers and writing our names.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Halloween party for each class will be the regular time your child is scheduled to come to preschool next Monday (30th) and Tuesday (31rst) of October.

On Mondays class for the 4-5 year olds please bring 11 wrapped surprises(however fun you want to make it or buy). Have your child wear his/her costume and make sure they use the restroom before coming.

Monday's 3-4 year old class please bring 12 wrapped surprises (however fun you want to make it or buy).
Have your child wear his/her costume and make sure they use the restroom before coming.

Tuesday's 4-5 yr old class please bring 10 wrapped surprises (however fun you want to make it or buy). Again, have your child wear his/her costume and make sure to have them use the restroom before coming.

Each child will pass out their treat or surprise they bring to each child in their class.  We will play games, make homemade rootbeer, and sing some silly Halloween songs, along with a cute story at the end of class.

Ps: what I mean by surprise is that I have seen moms make cute little bags full of rings, a small candy bar, Halloween stickers, just Halloween things. You can do anything you want.  I love making it as fun as I can for the children.

Thank you. If you have any questions call my cell #208-403-2715.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

HI everyone🎃 No preschool Thursday October 19th.

This week we learned about the letter"D".  We did our worksheets along with practicing our colors, shapes and numbers.  Our sight word for this week was look.  The children painted and put funny faces on their pumpkins that they took home.  Also a few more little surprises, playing duck, duck, goose, singing "hey diddle, diddle". Today a few of the tautphaus park zoo animals came.  I hope the children enjoyed the experience.  The zoo mobile people emailed me later today and told me they were so impressed with your kind and respectful children.  After which, some of the children took home eye patches while the second class took home dinasaur hats.  The children also made and took home their "D" train.  Thank you to those of you that brought snacks this week. The snacks were perfect.  With the zoo mobile that came today it kinda threw off the schedule.  It's ok.  Sometimes we have to just improvise.

I can't thank you enough for letting me teach your wonderful children. Looking forward to another great week with each of them.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Happy October 1rst!

There will be no school the first week of october because of spud harvest.  The tautphaus park zoo mobile will be here on October 18th. If you have any questions please let me know. We will play games and make homemade rootbeer at our Halloween party October 30th/31rst, ( the normal time/ day your child comes to preschool. Then each child that day will bring a treat to put in each other's Halloween bags. Please make sure the candy/party favors you bring are wrapped. The 3-4 yr old class has 12 children. The 4-5 year old classes have 10 children

The 4-5 year old classes have 4 sight words learned. We have been counting to twenty. The teens are still a struggle, but surely we will get them learned.  I encourage you to continue help your child read their books that I give them and keep these books so next summer you can practice reading them. Please make sure you put their sight word cards on your fridge or someplace your child can review them.
We just completed the letter "c".After spud harvest we will go over the things we have been learning  pledge of allegiance, writing names, counting, shapes, colors, sounds and recognizing letters.  We will wait until the next week to start letter"d".

3-4 year old class are learning the words "I can" vocally.  I am trying to build their confidences and having positive words like " I will try" "thank you" and "please". They are practicing tracing, learning their colors, making friends, enjoying each other and sharing, counting, learning their shapes and starting to trust me.  We are still learning the pledge of alligience and hopefully by the end of October they will be able to recite it for you.

Thank you so much for your support and encouraging words to your child and to me.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

What a great first week of school. Had the open house where I could meet the children and their parent(s).  First day of school was awesome. classes are smaller and the kids are ready to learn.  Can't wait to start up next week. Please make sure you check on this months calender with snack assignments.  If you haven't paid me for the month of September, please put your money in a white envelope with your child's name on it this week.  Manila envelopes will be put in your child's backpacks the last week of September For the October 1st due payment.

I have an opening for a 4-5 year old.  Just had a child Move to Utah if anyone is interested. Call and leave me a message at 208-403-2715

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

classes are full and I am ready for the open house sept  5th. Please check for your time.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Letters have been sent today with your child's schedule and other info.  Be sure to fill out the birthday questionnaire and bring it to me at the open house sept 5 or your child's first day of school. Payment is due the first day of school. Just put your child's name on an envelope with your Pymt. Inside.  

What a great summer it has been. I hope you all have had the best summer ever too!  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I look forward to September, when preschool will start sept. 6&7.

***For anyone interested, I still have 4 openings for my 4-5 year old classes. my 3-4 year old class is full.

Have a great rest of the summer adventure✏️

Friday, June 23, 2017

There are 8 openings in my preschool to fill for this coming fall. If you are interested please go ahead and fill out the application and mail to 361 east 4th south. Looking forward to having a great new school year!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

For those of you interested in preschool this coming fall (2017-18) I still have openings. Thank you.

Just wanted to give you a run down for the last week of school in case you don't have your calenders:

Class 1 (8:45-10:45)  Monday-Wednesday class
May 17 please make or buy a cake to share with another student. Please put it on something sturdy and that you don't want back.  (Cake walk).

May 19 graduation in my back yard at 11:00am. Please bring your lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on.  The program will be short and sweet! Please have your child dressed nicely
Class 2 (11:00-1:00) Monday-Wednesday class May 17 will be our last day of school. Please bring or make a cake that your child will give to another child in class. (Cake walk). Make sure you put it on something sturdy and that you don't want back
Class 3 (9:45-11:45) Tuesday-Thursday class May 16 (cake walk) please bring or make a cake for your child to share with another student. Make sure you put it on something that is sturdy and that you don't want back.

May 18  no school this day!
May 19 graduation 11:45am in my backyard. Please bring your lawn chairs or blankets to sit on the lawn. This will be short and sweet! Please have your child dress up nicely
Class 4 (12:00-2:00) Tuesday -Thursday class
May 16 - cake walk. Please make or bring a cake for your child to share with another student. Make sure you put it on something sturdy and that you don't want back.
May 18 - no school
May 19 - graduation at 12:30am in my back yard. Please bring your lawn chairs or blankets to sit on the lawn. This will be short and sweet! Please have your child dress up nicely.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Happy Easter to everyone!  I can't believe how fast this school year has gone by.  The preschoolers had a fun time at the Easter party.  When Peter the rabbit (my 24 yr. old son) came dressed as a big bunny one of the boys in the class said, "and I thought the Easter bunny was my mom".  They asked a lot of questions and enjoyed all the surprises you brought as well as the Easter bunny brought.  Thank you so much for your help.

Sugar city school district has already had their kindergarten screening.  I'm not positive when idaho falls and rigby have theirs. Madison school district is having their kindergarten registration Friday April 21, as I was told by Marilyn griffin, who helps with the testing at Lincoln elementary.  Your kids are smart and ready to go.  Don't worry if they miss a question. Sometimes children will freeze up.  I have been preparing them to just answer the questions the "best you can".  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

No school - April 3 and 4 is spring break. Have a great day!  We will be starting our letter "w" next week.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ok everyone....this coming Monday and Tuesday classes ( March 6 and 7), we are going to have tea party and learn about manners.  Please have your child dress up!  Princess dresses, Sunday clothes just any nice clothes he/she has available.  Thank you

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday February 20 Presidents' Day.  You all have a great weekend!

Friday, February 10, 2017

February 13 and 14 will be our valentines party this month.  I sent out the class names in your payment envelopes. However if you may of lost them please bring the cards/treats anyway and I will make sure each child will receive it.

Have a happy valentines!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Hi everyone! I can't believe how fast January went by. With only two more days left in this month we are ready to get into February. So here goes. In February we start out with the letter "p" . On February 6 and 7 we will have our pajama party along with making pancakes and having our puppet show. We will be busy making our puppets days before this. Also the children are in general doing great but I feel I need to go over their upper and lower case letters as far and what sounds go with what letters. We just learned our days of the week and are just about done learning the months of the year.  The 4-5 yr old classes count to 50 every day and we write our numbers and letters trying to make sure we write them correctly. All in all the children in general are right where they should be. Kindergarten tests usually come up the end of March and I feel like they will be just fine.

Graduation for the 4-5 year olds is set for May 18. For those of you trying to plan summer vacations. I do not have graduation for the 3-4 year old class because they are not graduating yet. However, sign ups for next fall are open and filling up quickly so I will put a registration form in your payment envelopes this coming week.

Our valentine parties will be February 13 and 14. Your valentines class names list is enclosed in your child's payment envelope. If you need another list please let me know.  We will be making Valentine bags to put their cards and surprises that you bring in them.

Monday, January 23, 2017

I'm sorry to inform you but there will be no preschool taught today January 23 2017. I don't remember being this sick.  Sinus headache, etc.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Just a reminder that there will be no school on Monday Jan. 16.  Thank you

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

School is cancelled for Thursday classes (January 5th). Madison school district and southeastern idaho schools are closed because of icy roads, winds and cold weather.  We will see you all next Tuesday. Thank you and stay warm!