I wanted to let you know that my fall classes are filling up quickly.
I have: 3 openings left in my 4-5 Monday-Wednesday class. 8:45-10:45
2 openings left in my 3-4 Monday-Wednesday class. 11:00-1:00
5 openings left in my 4-5 Tuesday-Thursday class. 9:45-11:45
No openings Full 4-5 Tuesday-Thursday class 12:00-2:00
I am only going to have 11 students in my classes next fall. Classes will begin after Labor Day in September 2016-17. Information packet will be sent to you this summer giving you information about birthdays, calendars, payments, along with an open house invitation. Thank you so much .
Now, as far as school is going...the children are recognizing their sounds, letters, shapes, colors, .....even the pentagon shape. We counted to 100 (4-5) and the (3-4) ages counted to 20. We have been learning about rhyming words, days of the week and months of the year. Also breaking words apart and seeing how many syllables there are in the word...they love it. The 4-5 yr old classes are doing much better with their sight words. Also the 3-4 yr olds are pretty close to writing their names...just need a little more confidence, but we're working on it!
Because we did the letter r this week I felt it would not right to have them act out "little red riding hood". They loved it so much I told them if we have enough time we could do it again next time they come