This week we learned all about the Letter "C". We traced the letter, did the phonic sound Ca Ca Cat! They really enjoyed saying that phonic.We played a game that helped us learn alot of C words. We sang the Patty Cake Song. We read a book about "Colors of the animals Underwear" and"Clippity Clop". We had show-n-tell, practiced the Pledge of Alligience and all the sounds we have thus learned. We sang the alphabet, played duck duck goose. We glued together C words on a cat on a cake. We made clown masks and all the children did really good decorating their faces up. Got some great pics - can't wait for you to see them at the end of the school year.
I think the children's favorite activity was that we made cakes and each child decorated their own. I try always to make sure they are clean and edible. However, getting them from the preschool room out to their vehicles without having several children licking the frosting and treats added to the top is just impossible!!!
They had great smiles on their faces and really had a great week... can't wait until next week.
*NOTE: Just a reminder no School on Monday because of Labor Day. Thank you so much parents for your support and for having such great kids!!!