Welcome to Building Blocks Preschool. Give me a call if you are interested in having your child come to preschool 2012-13. Check out "Mrs. Doggie" to get to know me; please look through the curriculum and see if that is something you would like your child to learn and do. If you are interested just copy the registration and send it back to me in the mail with your registration fee enclosed to:
361 East 4th South Rexburg, Idaho 83440. This will guarantee your child's placement with me.
I look forward to hearing from you. My phone number is 208-356-7322
If you would like to leave a message, please call my cell 403-2715 and I will return your call asap.
Have a Great Day!!!!!!
JUNE 15, 2012
I have started Summer School this week. I teach a child for 1 hour. We go over everything like the alphabet, phonics, counting, and then we get into our sight words, and reading. I make sure they are holding their pencils correctly - like the letter "c". The kids not only remember how to hold their pencils, but they also remember how to write their letters correctly! Impressive...... because when they get older they will be able to write quicker as they glide across the paper.
I am so impressed how the children are picking up so quickly the sight words they have memorized and now are realizing when you put the letter sounds together you can make many many words. (For instance, bat, cat, hat, sat, mat,) Its ALL connecting and they are loving it. I love these little children. They are so smart and quick at learners!
When I'm not teaching or at a T-Ball game I am in my home getting ready for next years students coming.
I still have openings so if you hear of anyone looking for a great preschool, please send them my way. I teach 3-4 year olds and 4-5 year olds. Only children who will be going to Kindergarten the following year
are in the 4-5 year old class. Because I want to make sure they are ready to go when they start Kindergarten.
Hope to hear from you Soon!!!!!
We painted a flower pot to put our sight words into and each time each child comes back we add more sight words to the flower pot. When we are all done in a month, the child will take home his flower pot with all the new sight words learned. He can continue at home making sentences out of each of the sight words he has learned and start writing the words down.
June 20, 2012
First day of Summer. I can't believe how fast the summer is going by and today is the first day. WOW!
Well summer school is going fantastic!!!! The kids have learned 20 sight words and we are going over a few phonics for some of the letters. When we say the letter"C" the kids think is sounds just like you say it. I have to remind them that "S" sounds like snake and "C" sounds like cat. That seems to help. However, it makes sense to me why they say it that way. Its pretty fun to see their eyes light up when they get it and understand.... We made personal reading books today for each student. I thought it would be fun for each child to read about himself and a friend. It really motivated each child to read his/her book.
July 11, 2012
Last day of Summer School. So sad. I love teaching the children so much. They loved learning how to read and learned a
lot of sight words . I've never been able to get through all the reading material before and I did this summer. The kids will do very well as they enter Kindergarten - this I am sure of. Vowels were taught this week and they zipped right through them. They were able to identify vowels in their names as well as in their family names. I also introduced them to things that are the same and things that are different - they loved doing that. We painted pirate chests and every day the children were able to pick something to put in their chest. Today we finished up decorating the outside of the chest. They loved it! I love them and will miss them forever.